Results for 'Sultan Mousa S. Al-Owidha'

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  1.  7
    Islam and Psychoanalysis: Exploring the Intersection of Sufism and Psychoanalytic Self-Psychology.Sultan Mousa S. Al-Owidha - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):418-439.
    Sufism and Psychoanalysis have the potential to create a synergy of Eastern spiritual traditions and Western psychological frameworks. This paper examines the similarities and differences between Sufism and psychoanalytic self-psychology, particularly of Heinz Kohut, and emphasizes the mutual appreciation of psychoanalytical self-psychology approaches and patients’ religious beliefs, demonstrating that they are not in opposition and can work in harmony. The data was collected through literature reviews and documentation study. The results reveal that Sufi practices such as dhikr (remembrance of God) (...)
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  2. Human Computer Interaction Design of the LP-ITS: Linear Programming Intelligent Tutoring Systems.S. Abu Naser, A. Ahmed, N. Al-Masri & Y. Abu Sultan - 2011 - .
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    The effect of evidence‐based medicine (EBM) training seminars on the knowledge and attitudes of medical students towards EBM.Yousef S. Khader, Waleed Batayha & Mousa Al-Omari - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):640-643.
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    Ibn Sina’s Philosophical and Logical Interpretation of the Noble Qur’an.Mustafa Kamal Saket Al Ma'ani & Mohammad Mousa Dyab Alnaimat - 2025 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 26 (1).
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    Combined’ Neck/Back Pain and Psychological Distress/Morbidity Among the Saudi Population: A Cross-Sectional Study.Sameer Al-Ghamdi, Mamdouh M. Shubair, Khadijah Angawi, Jamaan Al-Zahrani, Abdulrahman Ali M. Khormi, Reem Falah Alshammari, Nawaf Safaq Alshammari, Raed Aldahash, Bander Yahya Otayf, Hayat Saleh Al-Zahrani, Manayir Sultan Aleshaiwi & Khaled K. Aldossari - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundPsychological distress/morbidity is amongst the primary reason for the cause of pain at multiple sites, its progression, and recovery. Though still not very clear if physical pain in the neck or the back may predict psychological morbidities or not. Thus, we investigated the association between combined neck or back pain and psychological distress/morbidity.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted in Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia, including 1,003 individuals. The questionnaire comprised of General Health Questionnaire-12 and some questions about neck and back pain. Data analysis (...)
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    Evaluating the understanding of the ethical and moral challenges of Big Data and AI among Jordanian medical students, physicians in training, and senior practitioners: a cross-sectional study.Abdallah Al-Ani, Abdallah Rayyan, Ahmad Maswadeh, Hala Sultan, Ahmad Alhammouri, Hadeel Asfour, Tariq Alrawajih, Sarah Al Sharie, Fahed Al Karmi, Ahmad Azzam, Asem Mansour & Maysa Al-Hussaini - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    Aims To examine the understanding of the ethical dilemmas associated with Big Data and artificial intelligence (AI) among Jordanian medical students, physicians in training, and senior practitioners. Methods We implemented a literature-validated questionnaire to examine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the target population during the period between April and August 2023. Themes of ethical debate included privacy breaches, consent, ownership, augmented biases, epistemology, and accountability. Participants’ responses were showcased using descriptive statistics and compared between groups using t-test or ANOVA. (...)
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    Truth and Politics in Late Medieval Arabic Historiography: the Formation of Sultan Barsbāy’s State and the Narratives of the Amir Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī.Jo Van Steenbergen & Stijn Van Nieuwenhuyse - 2018 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 95 (1):147-187.
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    Indo–Omani Relations in the Reign of Sultan Taimur Bin Faisal Al Busaidi (1913-1931 AD).Mahmmoud Muhammad Al-Jbarat - 2012 - Asian Culture and History 4 (1):p77.
    This paper relies on primary resources dealing with the history of Oman along with British documents, which are the most important materials that dealt with the situation in the region, in general, and in Oman in Particular, at a time when Britain had power, presence and military control over India through the Government of British India. At that time, Britain tried to open lines of communication and forge agreements with the Arabian Gulf countries in order to secure its control over (...)
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  9. The detection and generation of sequences as a key to cerebellar function: Experiments and theory.Valentino Braitenberg, Detlef Heck & Fahad Sultan - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):229-245.
    Starting from macroscopic and microscopic facts of cerebellar histology, we propose a new functional interpretation that may elucidate the role of the cerebellum in movement control. The idea is that the cerebellum is a large collection of individual lines (Eccles's : Eccles et al. 1967a) that respond specifically to certain sequences of events in the input and in turn produce sequences of signals in the output. We believe that the sequence-in/sequence-out mode of operation is as typical for the cerebellar cortex (...)
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    Die Chronik des Ibn Ad-Dawadari. Neunter Teil, Der Bericht über den Sultan al-Malik an-Nasir Muhammad ibn QalaʾunDie Chronik des Ibn Ad-Dawadari. Neunter Teil, Der Bericht uber den Sultan al-Malik an-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalaun.Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz & Hans Robert Roemer - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (1):74.
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    Umayyad Caliph Yazīd Ibn ʽAbd Al-Malik’s Two Concubines Involded in State Administration: Sallāma and Habābah.Ali Hatalmış - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (1):1-20.
    The Umayyads (41-132/661-750) were the first Muslim dynastic state established in Damascus after the Rasheedun Caliphs. The Umayyads' transformation of the caliphate into a sultanate, their tribalist and discriminatory approaches, as well as the exaggerated palace life and entertainment of some caliphs have been the subject of criticism. Among the Umayyad caliphs, Yazīd II (101-105/720-724) was remembered for his drinking parties and love affairs with his concubines, and his fondness for entertainment to the degree of debauchery was described. The night (...)
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    ICT ethics-related cognition among undergraduate students.Maryam Nasser Al-Nuaimi, AbdelMajid Bouazza & Maher M. Abu-Hilal - 2020 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (4):589-607.
    Purpose Moor designated two major problem sources typifying the social and ethical implications of computer technologies, namely, “policy vacuum” and “conceptual muddles.” Motivated by Moor’s seminal definition and Floridi’s conceptualization of information and communication technologies as re-ontologizing technologies, this study aims to explore Omani undergraduates’ cognition regarding ICT ethics. Design/methodology/approach Adopting a grounded theory approach for the constant comparative thematic analysis, the constituents of ICT ethics-related cognition among undergraduates and influencing factors were scrutinized. Qualitative data were gathered via focus group (...)
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  13.  48
    From Slave to Sultan: The Career of al-Manṣūr Qalāwūn and the Consolidation of Mamluk Rule in Egypt and Syria (678-689 A. H./1279-1290)From Slave to Sultan: The Career of al-Mansur Qalawun and the Consolidation of Mamluk Rule in Egypt and Syria. [REVIEW]Warren C. Schultz & Linda S. Northrup - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):688.
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    The Literary Technique Styles Of The al-Muḥassināt al-Maʿnewiyye İn Kirmāsti’s Work “al-Mukhtār Fi Al-Maʿāni we al-Bayān”.Mehmet Sıddık Özalp - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):69-105.
    Yûsuf b. Hussein al-Kirmāstī (d. 900/1494), a figure who lived in the 15th century, studied under scholars of his time such as Khujazāda Muṣliḥuddīn Efendi (d. 893/1488). Kirmāstī was from the district of Kirmāstī (Mustafakemalpaşa) in Bursa. Yûsuf b. Hussein al-Kirmāstī was a qadi (judge) during the reign of Sultan Bâyezid II (1481-1512). Kirmāstī, originally from Kirmāstī (Mustafakemalpaşa), Bursa, established a medrese (theological school) in Istanbul named Kirmâstî. After serving as a lecturer in various madrasahs, he transitioned to the (...)
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    Identification of Factors Associated with Self-awareness among Diabetic Patients Attending AlZaher Primary Health Care Center in Makkah AlMukarramah City 2024.Hani Alawi, Hatim Khogeer, Yaser Azab, Sultan Aljumayi, Abdullah Alzahrani, Idris Fatani, Mohammed Boshnag, Wail Mutair, Malak Hasan, Abdullah Almalki, Nader Mutair, Ahmed Maher, Majdi Saad Alotaibi, Khalid Almasoudi, Nawaf Alotaian, Khalid Saad Alotaibi, Faez Alshihri, Hasan Albeshri & Abdulmalik Alawi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:3170-3182.
    Background: The prevalence of diabetes is rising worldwide, especially in poorer nations. It is anticipated to emerge as the sixth main cause of mortality globally by 2030. The factors linked to self-awareness in diabetes patients are still debated.Aim: To identify factors associated with self-awareness among diabetic patients attending Al-Zaher primary health care center (PHCC), Makkah Almukaramah City, Saudi Arabia 2024Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using a randomized sample of diabetes patients visiting Al-Zaher Primary Health Care Center in Makkah AlMukarramah (...)
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    “Moyo wangu, nini huzundukani?”: Self and Attention in Sayyid Abdallah bin Ali bin Nasir’s Al-Inkishafi.Alena Rettová - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (2):28-42.
    “Suu ulimwengu bahari tesi [This world is a tempestuous sea],” laments the poet Sayyid Abdallah bin Ali bin Nasir in his poem Al-Inkishafi, in which he seeks a stable point in the stormy ocean of historical upheavals. Al-Inkishafi has been translated as “The Soul’s Awakening”, as self-examination or revelation. Against the backdrop of a depiction of the economic decline of the Pate sultanate at the end of the seventeenth century, the poem dwells on the vanity of earthly life and worldly (...)
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    The Matter of the Sultanate of al-Malik al-Zāhir Baybars: Can Anyone Who Regicides Become a Sultan?Yusuf Ötenkaya - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (59):12-22.
    Memlûk Devleti’nin kuruluş yıllarında sultanlığın mahiyeti ve bunun nasıl oluştuğu ile ilgili literatürde pek çok çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmalarda genel olarak kukla sultan-otoriter sultan şeklinde yapılan ayırımlar mevzubahis edilerek sultan ile seçkin emîrler arasındaki gerilime dikkat çekilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra el-Melikü’l-Muzaffer Seyfeddin Kutuz’un öldürülmesi sonrasında bir sultan olma biçimi olarak “sultan öldüren sultan olur” şeklinde bir temellendirme de literatürde yer etmiştir. Fakat bu postulatın tarihsel düzlemde yeterince analiz edilmemesi ve bir hadiseden hareketle genel çıkarımların (...)
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    Wives of Sultan Abdülhamid II and The Issue of Their Marriages.Mustafa Ateş & Abdullah Erdem Taş - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1263-1284.
    The concubines, with whom the sultans lived a family life, were classified according to a certain hierarchy in the Harem. The first wives of the sultan and those who gave birth were called Kadınefendi. The other wives with a lower status than the Kadınefendi wives were called Ikbal Hanımefendi. According to Islamic law, marriage with a concubine is not like a marriage with a free woman. If a marriage is desired, the concubine must be freed. Until the 19th century, (...)
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    On The Collective Catalogues Of Sivas Court Records.Abubekir Sıddık Yücel - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1059-1079.
    Court (Shar’iyya) recordings are at the forefront of primary written sources, which contain important documents related to Turkish history, sociology and culture. The court records shed light on city history of the period concerned with rich information and documents. These records are important books in which the documents related to the judicial, administrative, economic, architectural and social structure of a city as well as diplomatic correspondence between the center and the province were recorded. The purpose of this study is to (...)
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    Tracing An Unknown Name Among Heterodox Ṣūfīs: An Attempt to Build Ṣūfī Poet Chelebi (Çelebi) Sulṭān’s Identity.Oğuzhan ŞAHİN - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):775-796.
    Chelebi (Çelebi) Sulṭān is a Ṣūfī poet. Due to poor and limited sources, there is a hardness in finding accurate and sufficient information about him. Abdülbaki Gölpınarlı claimed that this anonymous poet could be Oğlan Sheikh İsmāʿil-i Maʿşūḳī (d. 1539) from Bayramī-Melāmī by relying on the unanimous ghazal recorded in Ḥālet Efendi 800 in Suleymaniye Library. However, the fact that the aforementioned ghazal with simple copy variations published in Eşrefoğlu Rūmī Diwan weakens the credibility of his argument that Chelebi Sulṭān (...)
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  21. Emir Sultan'ın Nurbahşiliği Hakkında Kaynakların Tenkidi.Süleyman Gökbulut - 2024 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 61:1-10.
    Tarihimize yön vermiş ve manevî hafızamızda yer etmiş büyük önderler vardır. Aradan asırlar geçse de onların etkileri hâlâ canlıdır. Bunlardan biri de Emir Sultan (ö. 833/1429)’dır. O, Osmanlı kuruluş devri tasavvuf hayatının önde gelen şahsiyetlerindendir. Hem Yıldırım Bayezid (1389-1403)’in damadı olması hem de kurduğu tekkesiyle devlet erkânının yanı sıra halkın yaşamına da yön veren Emir Sultan’ın hayatı menkıbelerle örülmüştür. Kendisi hakkındaki tarihî bilgilerin azlığı bazı klasik biyografi yazarlarının ve modern araştırmacıların onun tasavvufî silsilesi üzerinde farklı bilgiler vermelerine sebep (...)
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    Evolving Rasūlid Narratives of Opposition to Sultan al-Manṣūr Nūr al-Dīn ʿUmar (d. 647/1250) in Yemen.Daniel Mahoney - 2021 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 98 (1):153-174.
    The Rasūlid chronicles of the reign of al-Manṣūr Nūr al-Dīn ʿUmar b. ʿAlī b. Rasūl depict its first ruler as steadily consolidating the political foundation of the sultanate. Most of these reports clearly portray the dominance of the sultan in Yemen during this period. But a few reveal the limitations of his power in a more complex political landscape, such as an aborted military campaign against a local tribe, an insurrection by a Zaydi sharīf, and the sultan’s assassination (...)
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    Was al-Maqrīzī’s Khiṭaṭ a Khaldūnian History?Nasser Rabbat - 2012 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 89 (1-2):118-140.
    : Mu1ammad Taqiyy al-Dīn al-Maqrīzī is undoubtedly the historian with the most expansive repertoire of the entire fifteenth century Arabic historiography. His al-Mawā’iẓ wa-l-i’tibār bi-dhikr al-khiṭaṭ wa-l-āthār, in particular, is a unique achievement, which manages to present a general historical discourse through the chronicling of buildings and topography. This unprecedented book, this paper argues, may have benefited from the author’s extended association with Ibn Khaldūn, the great interpreter of the notion of ’umrān. Ibn Khaldūn was al-Maqrīzī’s revered teacher for at (...)
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    Between the Many and the One: Anticolonial Federalism and Popular Sovereignty.Nazmul S. Sultan - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (2):247-274.
    Recovering a marginal body of pluralist political thought from early twentieth-century India, this article explores how the question of popular sovereignty shaped the federalist reconfiguration of the anticolonial democratic project. The turn to federalism was facilitated by the Indian reckoning with Hegel in the late nineteenth century, which led to the diagnosis that the universality ascribed to monist sovereignty relies on a “unilinear” theory of development. Through a sustained engagement with British pluralist and American progressive thought, Indian federalist thinkers eventually (...)
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  25. The Sultan Baybars: A Romance Hero Breaks His Links.Jacqueline Sublet - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (181):115-128.
    This wasn't merely a man, it was the sultan Al-Malik, Al-Zâhir Rukn al-Dunia wal- Dîn Abü l-Fath Baybars whose swords were the keys to kingdoms, whose standards were like hills and the spears that rose above them were like fires whose duty it was to command men.Between 1260 and 1277, the second half of the seventh century Hegira (the thirteenth century by the Christian calendar), the Bahri Mamluk empire, founded in 1256, was governed by the sultan Baybars, the (...)
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  26. Māturīdī Theologian Abū Ishāq al-Zāhid al-Saffār’s Vindication of the Kalām = Māturīdī Theologian Abū Ishāq al-Zāhid al-Saffār’s Vindication of the Kalām.Demir Abdullah - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (1):445-502.
    Abū Ishāq al-Ṣaffār was one of scholars of the Western Qarakhānids’ period who followed the Kalām thought of al-Māturīdī (d. 333/944). His theological works Talkhīs al-adilla and Risāla fī al-kalām, his method in kalām, and frequent reference to his works by Ottoman and Arab scholars indicate that al-Ṣaffār is a respected and authorative Māturīdī theologian. The article focuses on his defense of the kalām. By adding a long introduction to Talkhīs about the naming, importance, and religious legitimacy of the science (...)
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    Identification of Regions of Interest in Digital Mammograms.S. Singh & R. Al-Mansoori - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (2):183-217.
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  28. Faith and reason in Al-Ghazali's doctrine.N. S. Kirabaev & M. Al-Janabi - 2009 - In Mariėtta Tigranovna Stepani͡ant͡s, Knowledge and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures. Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
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    The Praise Poem in Ibn al-Jayyab al-Gharnatī’s Poetry.Eyass Alrashed - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (2):353-376.
    This study focuses on the praise poem that Ibn Al_Jiyab Al_Gharnati tackled in his poetry. Al_Gharnati was a poet ( laureate), a writer, a minister, and the head of the undersecretary office ( Diwan Al_Kuttab) in Granada for many years. Moreover, he was in a strong relation with four Sultans of Banu Al_Ahmar. The study often examines the image of praise in Ibn Al_ Jiyab's poetry who devoted his poetry collection or poetic project to praise poetry whether praising the (...) of Banu Al_Ahmar, the ministers or some notables and companions. The study tries to answer some questions by analyzing the image of the praiseworthy in Ibn Al_Jiyab's poetry: What is the role of the poet who was close to the Sultan in the Grandian era? How did the poets portray the people in power at that time? Did stylistic changes take place in the praise poem or were new meanings introduced that were not preceded by poets before? was the poem a continuation of the praise poem in previous ages? Above all, why later ages were full of praise poems ( odes of praise)? The interest in studying the Andalusian literature and analysing its texts is an artistic and historical necessity. It is an artistic necessity to understand the literary influence, taste and the development of the concept of poetry and the Andalusian's view of it. In addition, it is a historical necessity to understand the nature of political, literary, and social life at thattime. (shrink)
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  30. Measuring knowledge management maturity at HEI to enhance performance-an empirical study at Al-Azhar University in Palestine.Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2016 - International Journal of Commerce and Management Research 2 (5):55-62.
    This paper aims to assess knowledge management maturity at HEI to determine the most effecting variables on knowledge management that enhance the total performance of the organization. This study was applied on Al-Azhar University in Gaza strip, Palestine. This paper depends on Asian productivity organization model that used to assess KM maturity. Second dimension assess high performance was developed by the authors. The controlled sample was (364). Several statistical tools were used for data analysis and hypotheses testing, including reliability Correlation (...)
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  31. Manhaj al-ʻulūm al-ṭabīʻīyah al-madrasī: taṣmīm, madākhil, asālīb, ṭuruq, istirātījīyāt wa-namādhij tadrīsih.Ilyās al-Dūmah Adam Isḥāq - 2017 - al-Kharṭūm: Dār al-Muṣawwarāt lil-Nashr wa-al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    al-Zarkashī and Evaluation Method of Riwāyas in His Work of al-Tadhkira fī al-Ahadith al-Mushtahira.Muhammed Akdoğan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):215-232.
    al-Zarkashī, an ethnic Turk, is an important hadith, fiqh and commentary scholar who lived during the Mamlūks period. He was taught by some of the leading scholars of his era, such as Alā al-Dīn Mughultay (d. 762/1360), Imād al-Dīn Ibn Kashīr (d. 774/1372) ve Jamal al-Dīn al-Asnawī (d. 772/1370), and he grew up under their mentorship. Nevertheless, his only well-known student is Birmāvī (d. 831/1428). Almost half of his works have been related to fiqh and methodology of fiqh, and he (...)
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  33. Detecting Health Problems Related to Addiction of Video Game Playing Using an Expert System.Samy S. Abu Naser & Mohran H. Al-Bayed - 2016 - World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2 (9):7-12.
    Today’s everyone normal life can include a normal rate of playing computer games or video games; but what about an excessive or compulsive use of video games that impact on our life? Our kids, who usually spend a lot of time in playing video games will likely have a trouble in paying attention to their school lessons. In this paper, we introduce an expert system to help users in getting the correct diagnosis of the health problem of video game addictions (...)
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  34. Promoting Knowledge Management Components in the Palestinian Higher Education Institutions - A Comparative Study.Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 73:42-53.
    Publication date: 29 September 2016 Source: Author: Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Youssef M. Abu Amuna This paper aims to measure knowledge management maturity in higher education institutions to determine the impact of knowledge management on high performance. Also the study aims to compare knowledge management maturity between universities and intermediate colleges. This study was applied on five higher education institutions in Gaza strip, Palestine. Asian productivity organization model was applied to measure Knowledge Management Maturity. Second dimension (...)
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    Paul Moses, The Saint and the Sultan: The Crusades, Islam, and Francis of Assisi’s Mission of Peace, New York: Doubleday, 2009, 302 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2010 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 9 (2):289-296.
    Perjumpaan Fransiskus Assisi dengan Sultan al-Kamil di tengah ko- baran perang salib akhir-akhir ini mendapat banyak perhatian dari pel- bagai macam peneliti (Hoeberichts 1997; Warren 2003, Tolan 2007, Moses 2009). Yang terakhir, Paul Moses—seorang Guru Besar Jurnalistik di Brooklyn College, New York— melakukan investigasinya sendiri dan menulis suatu buku yang sangat menarik dan aktual, seperti yang boleh diharapkan dari seorang pakar komunikasi. Landasan penting penelitian Moses adalah evaluasinya yang kritis terhadap sumber-sumber. Ia mengemukakan bahwa sumber-sumber tertua tentang peristiwa ini (...)
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  36. Computerized Management Information Systems Resources and their Relationship to the Development of Performance in the Electricity Distribution Company in Gaza.Samy S. Abu Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2016 - European Academic Research 4 (8):6969-7002.
    This paper aims to identify computerized management information systems resources and their relationship to the development of performance in the Electricity Distribution Company in Gaza. This research used two dimensions. The first dimension is computerized management information systems and the second dimension the Development of Performance. The control sample was (063). (360) questioners were distributed and (306) were retrieved back with a percentage of (85%). Several statistical tools were used for data analysis and hypotheses testing, including reliability correlation using Cronbach’s (...)
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  37. Trends of Palestinian Higher Educational Institutions in Gaza Strip as Learning Organizations.Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Youssef M. Abu Amuna & Amal A. Al Hila - 2017 - International Journal of Digital Publication Technology 1 (1):1-42.
    The research aims to identify the trends of Palestinian higher educational institutions in Gaza Strip as learning organizations from the perspective of senior management in the Palestinian universities in Gaza Strip. The researchers used descriptive analytical approach and used the questionnaire as a tool for information gathering. The questionnaires were distributed to senior management in the Palestinian universities. The study population reached (344) employees in senior management is dispersed over (3) Palestinian universities. A stratified random sample of (182) employees from (...)
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  38. Knowledge Management Maturity in Universities and its Impact on Performance Excellence "Comparative study".Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2016 - Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 3.
    The paper assesses Knowledge Management Maturity(KMM) in the universities to determine the impact of knowledge management on performance excellence. This study was applied on Al-Azhar University and Al-Quds Open University in Gaza strip, Palestine. This paper depends on Asian productivity organization model that used to assess KMM. Second dimension which assess performance excellence was developed by the authors. The controlled sample was (610). Several statistical tools were used for data analysis and hypotheses testing, including reliability Correlation using Cronbach’s alpha, “ANOVA”, (...)
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  39. KM Maturity Factors Affecting High Performance in Universities.Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2016 - International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 5 (5):46-56.
    This paper aims to measure Knowledge Management Maturity (KMM) in the universities to determine the impact of knowledge management on high performance. This study was applied on Al-Quds Open University in Gaza strip, Palestine. Asian productivity organization model was applied to measure KMM. Second dimension which assess high performance was developed by the authors. The controlled sample was (306). Several statistical tools were used for data analysis and hypotheses testing, including reliability Correlation using Cronbach’s alpha, “ANOVA”, Simple Linear Regression and (...)
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    Fatwā Activity During the Last Years of The Fatwā Office and The Exchange of the Preferred Fatwā by the Will of the Sultan.Emine Arslan - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1443-1463.
    The Fatwā-house, which was within the body of Meshihat in the Ottoman Empire, gave answers to the questions posed to it by focusing on the Hanafi sect and the preferred fatwās of this sect for centuries. These questions and answers were also duly recorded. In this study, based on The Record for the Legal Responses of the Supreme Fatwā Office, which is registered at records numbered 378 in the Meshihat Archive of the Istanbul Mufti, one of the records containing the (...)
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    Composition dependence of polymorphism and electrical conductivity in Ce-doped Bi4V2O11.Saba Beg & Niyazi A. S. Al-Areqi - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (15):1279-1294.
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    Courtroom Strong Remarks: A Case Study of the Impact Statements from Survivors and Victims’ Families of the Christchurch Mosque Attacks.Ahmad S. Haider, Saleh Al-Salman & Linda S. Al-Abbas - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (2):753-770.
    Acts of violence arising from hatred, racism, and bigotry have no place in a world of civility. The brutal attacks on Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, leaving 51 dead and 49 injured, can never be justified. Through adopting Van Dijk's ideological square of 'Us. vs. Them' [3], the present study uncovers the impact statements of the attacks' survivors and victims' families, denouncing the severity of the event and expressing the shattering effects of the attacks on self, (...)
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  43. al-Majānī al-shahīyah min al-ḥadāʻiq al-falsafīyah.IghnāṬYūs Lubūs Al-BitaddīNī[From Old Catalog] - 1903
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    A survey of community members' perceptions of medical errors in Oman.Ahmed S. Al-Mandhari, Mohammed A. Al-Shafaee, Mohammed AlAzri, Ibrahim S. Al-Zakwani, Mushtaq Khan, Ahmed M. Al-Waily & Syed Rizvi - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):13.
    Errors have been the concern of providers and consumers of health care services. However, consumers' perception of medical errors in developing countries is rarely explored. The aim of this study is to assess community members' perceptions about medical errors and to analyse the factors affecting this perception in one Middle East country, Oman.
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    Development and validation of an instrument to measure physician awareness of bioethics and medical law in Oman.Abdullah S. Al-Mujaini, Mohammed Al-Alawi, Nadiya S. Al-Kharousi, Nusaiba A. Al-Mawali, Maryam K. Al-Rawahi, Yahya M. Al-Farsi, Samir Al-Adawi, Anuradha Ganesh & Ahmed S. Al-Busaidi - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundA different ethos with respect to the perception of medical ethics prevails in societies in transition such as those in the Arabian Peninsula, which makes it difficult to apply international principles of bioethics in medical practice. This study aimed to develop and psychometrically test an instrument that measures physicians’ awareness of bioethics and medical law and their attitudes towards the practice of medical ethics. Additionally, it examined physician correlates influencing the awareness of bioethics.MethodsFollowing a rigorous review of relevant literature by (...)
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  46. Computerized MIS Resources and their Relationship to the Development of Performance in the Electricity Distribution Company in Gaza.Samy S. Abu Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2016 - European Academic Research 4 (8):1-22.
    This paper aims to identify computerized management information systems resources and their relationship to the development of performance in the Electricity Distribution Company in Gaza. This research used two dimensions. The first dimension is computerized management information systems and the second dimension the Development of Performance. The control sample was (063). (360) questioners were distributed and (306) were retrieved back with a percentage of (85%). Several statistical tools were used for data analysis and hypotheses testing, including reliability correlation using Cronbach’s (...)
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    Formal and Contextual Features of Nahrī Aḥmad’s Dīwānçe.Abdülmecit İslamoğlu - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):435-466.
    Suyolcu-zāde Nahrī Aḥmad (d.1182/1768-1769) was an important sûfî poet being a member of Ismā‘īl Rūmī branch, the sect of Qādiriyya. He carried out the duty of spiritual and ethical guidance at Qādiriyya Lodge in Tekirdağ. Besides his sûfî character, he was a poet having an extensive knowledge about the theoretical and aesthetical bases of Dīwān literature. The only original copy of Nahrī’s Dīwānçe including his poems registered in the Vatican Library, Turkish Manuscripts, nr. 235. There are forty-five Turkish, twelve Arabic (...)
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  48. The Impact of Management Requirements and Operations of Computerized MIS to Improve Performance.Samy S. Abu Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2016 - Al-Azhar University of Gaza, Palestine 1:1-28.
    The research aims to identify the impact of the management requirements on operating of computerized management information systems to improve performance, and discuss the perceptions of respondents to develop the performance of employees in the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company, the researchers used the stratified sample method, (360) questionnaires were distributed on the study sample, (306) questionnaires were recovered with a percentage of (85%). The most important findings of the study: computerized MI have a positive impact on the development of performance (...)
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  49. KM Factors Affecting High Performance in Intermediate Colleges and its Impact on High Performance - Comparative Study.S. `Abu-Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2016 - Computational Research Progress in Applied Science and Engineering 2 (4):158-167.
    This paper aims to determine knowledge management (KM) factors which have strong impact on high performance. Also, the study aims to compare KMM between intermediate colleges. This study was applied on three intermediate colleges in Gaza strip, Palestine. Asian productivity organization model was applied to measure KMM. Second dimension which assess high performance was developed by the authors. The controlled sample was 190. Several statistical tools were used for data analysis and hypotheses testing, including reliability correlation using Cronbach’s alpha, “ANOVA”, (...)
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    Claims of Massacre and Persecution Attributed to Khurāsān Governor Qutayba Ibn Muslim al-Bāhilī.Yunus Akyürek - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):515-542.
    Qutayba ibn Muslim al-Bāhilī is one of the leading soldier-bureaucrats of the Umayyads period. During the time he served as the governor of Khurāsān, he consolidated the Umayyad’s rule in Tokharistan and Transoxiana provinces, and expanded the borders of the state to China by conquering the Kashgar region. His activities for conversion of the people of the conquered regions have great importance in the history of Islam since the intense relations of the Turkish people with Islam fell upon the time (...)
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